I had my first ever university
midterm this past week and I think I did well. What really surprised me about
this midterm was how easy it was for me to understand the questions. I remember
that during my first lecture we were given a Python function that read
something like this:
def q0 (s1, s2)
all ([x not in s2 for x in s1])
It was so confusing at first. I did have some previous
programming experience before taking this class, and I just could not
understand how you could write a line like this in Python. If I wrote this in
Java or Turing like I’ve been taught previously, it would take many more lines.
Something similar was on the midterm and now, I can just read that as a simple logical statement. If we define S(x) to mean that x is an element of s2, that line of code can be written as:
for all x in s1, not S(x).
It is much easier for me to evaluate this simple logical
statement. I am now starting to see why this course is required for computer
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