I have come to the end of another school year and another SLOG. I really can't believe that I'm almost finished my first year of university. I still think that it's 2010 sometimes and that I never really left middle school.
I really hope I did well on assignments 2 and 3. It's really hard writing and handing in an assignment when I don't know the marks for my SLOG or previous assignment. I think that I did well on assignment 3, but it seemed to be a little too easy. I did part B, and while it took a lot of helper functions, I finished it rather easily. Some other students really struggled with part A. I hate when this happens because I always think that I did something wrong, but we'll see how it goes.
I learned a lot in this course, and I am really happy with it. I rarely feel like I actually learn anything from a course I take. At the end of most school years I often end up feeling like I just memorized a bunch of facts, spit them out on tests, and then I forget everything. I think that what I learned in CSC148 will stick with me for a while to come. I think that I now have a much better grasp of recursion, and I now really understand abstract data types. I see some of the practical applications of what I learned in CSC165 and I am finally starting to think about the more abstract science part of computer science instead of just programming. I have also learned the importance of doing stuff on paper as I commented here.