Monday, 30 March 2015

CSC148 Lecture Week 11

Looking Back
   As I was studying for midterm number 2 I realized that the code I came up with for lab 6 and documented in my SLOG was actually quite redundant.

In lab 6 my solution to the list_longest_path function looked like this:
if node is None:
        return []
 elif is_leaf(node):
        return []
        if not node.left == None:
            left = list_longest_path(node.left)
            left = []
        if not node.right == None:
            right = list_longest_path(node.right)
            right = []
        return [] + left if len(left) > len(right) else [] + right

I didn't really need all those nested if statements and the second if statement also was not necessary. I managed to come up with some simpler, easier to read code:

if node == None:
        return []
        right = [] + list_longest_path(node.right)
        left = [] + list_longest_path(node.left)
        return right if len(right) > len(left) else left

I think that this SLOG entry and my SLOG overall really shows how I have learned and grown throughout the course. As another slogger has said, practice makes perfect. I have spend a lot of time practicing new recursion techniques and I think that I have a much better grasp of it now. I'm also really missing the labs that were cancelled due to the TA strike. They were a great place to practice and as another slogger points out, they were all about practicing our coding skills, and we never wasted time on pointless name games or team building activities.

Monday, 23 March 2015

CSC148 Lecture Week 10

   This week we discussed testing. Specifically, we focused on testing the minimax strategy. If we were to test minimax with subtract square, there are certain test cases that would not help at all. There are a few numbers that will always result in a loss no matter what number the player picks. Wikipedia calls there 'cold numbers'. When coming up with test cases, cold numbers such as 10 or 15 would not be useful at all. Numbers such as 9 also may not inspire much confidence when used as test cases. If there are more winning moves then there are losing moves, then the random strategy would still work more than 50% of the time. Therefore when picking test cases, we would have to carefully consider the outcome of each case.

Monday, 16 March 2015

CSC148 Lecture Week 9

    Last week we covered linked lists in class. Linked lists can be though of a tree with airity of one. Each node has a value and a reference to another node or None if it is the end of the list. A wrapper class can then be used to keep track of the size of the list, the front node and the back node. Recursion can be used to traverse linked lists, but due to the more linear nature of the lists iteration works just as well. A while loop or for loop can be used to step through the list until you get to the desired node. The basic structure would look something like this:

cur_node = lnk.front
while cur_node:
    cur_node = cur_node.nxt

    I liked going back to iteration. It was nice to be able to use loops again and not have to think in a recursive manner. Working with linked lists also involves mutation. It is important to change things in the correct order so that you don't lost data. I found this part of linked lists to be manageable. What I found difficult was remembering to change the front, back and size data in the wrapper. I created a check list for the test, so hopefully I did everything properly on the test.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

CSC148 Lecture Week 8

   Assignment 2 was due this week, and I am very glad that I was able to finish it. When I first looked over the assignment, I though that it would be pretty easy so I didn't start anything until the Saturday before it was due. Coding TippyGameState was relatively easy. winner() and rough_outcome() were pretty long since my group just did that by brute force. On Piazza, Danny answered a question about winner() and said that there was no really elegant way for it to be implemented, so just decided to go through the whole board and check for all four possible tippies.
   What really cause me trouble was minimax. My whole group had a lot of trouble with it and we came up with some really complicated methods that did not work. After taking a step back and rereading the assignment page, I realized that we were probably over-complicating it. The assignment handout pretty much gave us the exact algorithm for the minimax strategy:
I then worked on translating this algorithm to code. I had trouble pairing the moves with their scores, but that was fixed with the help of a helper function (they're so helpful aren't they?). 
   The final problem was that minimax worked with subtract square and not tippy. It took a lot of tracing through the Wing debugger, but we eventually realized that apply_move() in TippyGameState was changing the original game state. This was fixed with the use of deepcopy() (Thanks again to Piazza).