Monday, 1 December 2014

CSC165 Lecture Week 12

So this is my last SLOG. I wish I could say that I'm sad, but I'm really not.

I actually really liked assignment 3. I finally understand what the point of all those limit proofs were. For the limit of a function as x goes to infinity, if that limit is infinity, then the output of the function can be larger than any given number past a certain breakpoint for the input. For the limit of a function as x goes to infinity, if that limit equals to zero, then the output of the function can be smaller than any given number after a certain breakpoint for the input.

The zero limit also really helped in my understanding of infinity. No matter how small a number I can think of between 0 and 1, there will always be a real number that is smaller than the number I've come up with. I'm also glad, I finally managed actually apply the limits and derivatives that I have spent the past year and a half learning.

After reading some other SLOGs, I've found a couple that have good summaries of computability, which I think was the hardest of the topics that we covered: